Neil LaBute: 'I put heavy things on my audiences. I love it'
Neil LaBute has killed at least two children. He smothered one; another he drowned in the penguin pool at the zoo. He's implicated in a fatal homophobic beating, a gang rape and a number of borderline criminal deceptions. He even tortured and immolated Nicolas Cage â" though perhaps we'll forgive him that final misdemeanour. The crimes are all fictional, of course, buried like bodies in the ...
One year anniversary of Chelsea King's disappearance
SAN DIEGO (CNS) - It was one year ago Friday that 17-year-old Chelsea King disappeared while jogging on the trails above Rancho Bernardo Community Park, touching off a frantic search by hundreds of volunteers that ended with the discovery of her body on the shore of Lake Hodges.
Question by Eric S: How is it constitutional to label free human beings as "sex offenders?"?
I'm surprised this issue has not been challened to the courts. Registered sex offender laws appear to violate the constitutional rights and protections of those bearing this label.
It is one thing to punish an individual found guilty of a criminal offense. "You commit the crime, you do the time." For any other severe crime, you face either jail, lethal injection, institution, house arrest, fines, or community service. When the sentence is completed, you are done serving time.
The so-called repeated dangerous sex offender pedophile if barred from living next to a family with kids because of scrutiny from the label, will just becoming a commuting predator, so it solves nothing in the least. If a so-called dangerous sex offender is so dangerous, then he's better off in an institution or correction facility rather than free (with a label).
The problem is there should NOT be a status as "you are free now, but for LIFE you are to carry this label so wherever you buy a home, you nextdoor neighbor may have incentive to hate/fear your presence no matter what your intent". And this results in hate criminal-like activity against the person being labelled. This status should not be there. You are dangerous, you are confined, if you're not, you're free and equal to everyone else around you.
So the registered sex offender laws serve no purpose but to create social exclusion in a free and democratic society and may be found unconstitutional under equal protection act.
In some ways this social exclusion increases the insanity of the person being labeled. And FYI, I'm not a registered sex offender. On the other hand, if being labelled a "registered sex offender" but otherwise free is necessary, then it should be considered a form of serving time for a crime, and decided by a jury/judge. When that time expires, the label should be removed. The Equal Protection Clause, part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, provides that "no state shall ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws".[ *The registered sex offender's right to privacy is violated when the place he/she chooses to live and pay rent results in undue harm to that person based on public awareness of his/her personal identity status." Karen C: Explain what you mean...Bandaids on crater-sized laws? I liked where you were going with this. The idea that we need to take a more human approach to dealing with people so they become better citizens from the start, right?
Best answer:
Answer by DC Maximus You posed the question. It is up to you to tell us how and why it is unconstitutional. And you have not done so. The fact is that it does not violate any provisions of the US Constitution.
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Image by CharlieBoy808
Image by CharlieBoy808
Image by CharlieBoy808
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Lastest, NEWS, after, Female, worker
by Steve Rhodes
Question by manz66rogelio:
What is a female sex worker?
I saw this phrase, female sex worker, in a report by scientist trying to find a vaccine against the AIDS virus, but just curious as to why somone would volunteer for this vaccine. Please, does anyone know?
Best answer:
Answer by Moody Mike I thought female sex workers were government-funded prostitutes!! jk.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by Darkmajic: Do kids really need sex education these days?
I mean there is the internet will all the information that one would want to know. If parents or the school can't teach it for whatever reason, they can type "sex education" into Google and helpful information pops up.
What do y'all think?
Best answer:
Answer by Beccy L they stll need it coz some dont hve the internet or just dnt bother to look, also they can ask the teacher questions and they deffinetly get tought every thing they need to know